Yavuz, Adem
Vision or Illusion of the Right to Data Portability, En Vogue?
A Comparative Analysis of the GDPR and the CCPA
Tectum Verlag
1. Aufl. 2024 / 120 S.
Reihe: Young Academics: Rechtswissenschaft. Band: 12
The GDPR and the CCPA, which belong to two separate legal families, are significant examples of modern data protection laws. Data portability, which gives data subjects actual freedom in the flesh with its ex-istence apart from base protection, is a mostly abandoned part of these regulations.
This book examines data portability using comparative and functional methods along with the law-in-context method. In addition to the highlighting of similarities and differences between these legislations, case studies, literature and jurisprudence are inspected with regard to their functionality.
The author, who specializes in European and Californian data protection laws, sheds light on this issue under the supervision of Prof. Andreas von Arnauld from the University of Kiel.